Saturday? More like Grad-urday, am i right?

Saturdays EVENINGS, Third Coast hosts jams and workshops exclusively for graduates of Third Coast Training Center Level 5 (and 6!). See below for dates, TIMES, LOCATIONS, topics, and facilitators!

Please note the changing times and locations in each description. Eventually, we hope to nail down a consistent time, but we’re in Beta mode right now! Feedback welcome!


Join us for an improv tune-up with your fellow Training Center graduates and “upper classmen,” curated and facilitated by a rotating list of faculty and graduates. Come flex your improv muscles, get some reps in, hone your skills, and network with other Training Center grads!

This workshop is PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN with a suggested donation of $5. Facilitator’s preferred method of payment (Venmo, CashApp, etc.) will go out in a welcome email before the event. All proceeds will go to the facilitator.

Click the IMAGES Below for more info and to register!


Join us for a jam with your fellow Training Center graduates and “upper classmen,” hosted by a rotating list of graduates and faculty. Come flex your improv skills, get some reps in, and network with other Training Center grads!

This jam is FREE and open only to past and present graduates of Third Coast Training Center Levels 5 and up! No need to grab a ticket. Just show up!

August 3rd Jam 4:30-6:00: Hosted by Darwin Fu

“You’re Still There!” – Improv forms (short and long) built upon repeated scenes or scenes in the same location. Examples include Close Quarters, Scene Replay, Elimination, and Mono-scenes (80% guarantee that this jam isn’t a 90 minute Mono-scene).


September 7th Jam 4:30-6:00: Hosted by Colin Ireland

Have you ever seen multiple performers being on stage at the same time go poorly? Have you seen it work well? How do talented improvisers make it feel like you just watched a written comedic play? What is that magic that seems to happen to make it all work? 
We’ll start this Jam with a short session of providing insight into these questions (and more) while we break the ice and get comfortable with each other. Then we’ll spend 70+ minutes in a cultivated space that optimizes your opportunity to exercise your skills and play!


October 5th Jam 4:30-6:00: Hosted by Kenny Johnson

Have you ever found yourself in a scene wondering: How did we end up here? What is going on? Why do I have this imaginary banana in my hand? Welcome to what’s often referred to as “Crazy Town.” It’s not as scary as it sounds. We’ll start this jam with a focus on visiting the town, maybe adding to the chaos, and most importantly finding our way back. I’ll throw multiple weird things at you while performing long-form scenes, and eventually I’ll let up and let the weird find you!


Interested in running a Grad-urday Night jam or workshop? Contact Max at

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