Dumb Shark Tank

Thursday, July 25
Doors: 6pm // Show: 7pm
$10 to $15
Get ready for the ultimate comedy showdown at Dumb Shark Tank!
Aspiring entrepreneurs step into the spotlight to pitch their hilariously bad business ideas to the real stars of the show – the audience, who play the role of the “sharks.”
Past contenders have included inspiring ideas like:

 Baby Buy Sell Trade, a private market for babies
 Smith, Lentz, & West, cancel culture insurance for the 21st century
 Reverse Life Insurance, we give you $ now to be the sole benefactor in your will later
 mutegaryvee.com, a chrome extension
 Döppelbanger, the dating app for narcissists

To apply to pitch, email haleyzap@gmail.com. Slides are required.
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